Hello my good friend, Greetings in the name of our Lord. Sorry for my late reply, I misplaced your telephone number and decided to inform you through your e-mail address about my succes in getting those fund transferred under the cooperation of a new partner from India.I am now in India for some investment project with my own shear of the sum,meanwhile,I did not forget your past efforts and attempts to assist me in transferring it despite that it failed us somehow. Now,contact my personal secretary in Benin Republic on the info below; Name----- DR FRANK Email----- ( drfrank_y@yahoo.com) Phone--- +229 93439731 Ask him to send you the certified Bank Check worth of $1.6 m us,which I kept for your compensation and in appreciation for all your efforts and attempts to assist me that time. Feel free to get in touch with him and instruct him where to send you the check. Do not forget to re-confirm your full information to him,such as, 1.Your name, 2.Age, 3.sex 4.Phone number 5.Address, 6.Country 7.Idd, to assure him that you are the real person. Please do let me know immediately you receives your check so that we can share the joy together after all the sufferings. Try to be honest with Mr.Parker because he is a God fearing man. Once again,Thanks and God bless. Dr. Hanns Everitt. NOW CONTACT MY SECRETARY FOR YOUR COMPENSATION.
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